Vocabularies expand as people age; older brains develop unconscious work-arounds to diminish the effects of slowed retrieval speed. 随着人们变老,词汇量会增加;老年人的大脑能在无意识的情况下想出替代方法,减小信息提取速度变慢所产生的影响。
One of the most important issues in the content-based image retrieval ( CBIR) is how to construct effective organization of image database to enhance image retrieval speed. 如何构建有效的图像库结构,提高图像检索速度是基于内容的图像检索所需要解决的关键问题之一。
Different demands of retrieval speed affected the recollection performance greatly, but showed little influence on the automaticity performance. 测验阶段反应速度的要求不同对自动提取成绩的影响很小,但是显著地影响了意识性提取的成绩。
Because the image indexing based on compressed domain can attain the two objects of quick retrieval speed and good retrieval result at the same time, it has already been the research hotspot in recent years. 由于基于压缩域的图像检索能够同时达到检索快速和检索效果良好这两个目的,成为近年来图像工作者的研究热点。
The deaf's retrieval speed is slower than that of normal subjects. 聋人在任务中的提取速度慢于听力正常人。
Retrieval Speed Analysis for Data in the Server or the Server Group 数据在服务器与服务器群中检索速度的分析
One disadvantage of the fast growth of digital resources in digital libraries is the decrease of retrieval speed and result accuracy. 数字图书馆的快速发展带来了馆藏数字资源的飞速增长,而海量的数字资源导致了检索速度的下降和检索结果准确度的降低。
Using working memory span and retrieval speed as the dependent variables, the author compared the differences of deaf and normal subjects in working memory. 以工作记忆广度、提取速度作为因变量指标,探讨了聋人及听力正常人在工作记忆中的差异。
The method increases the retrieval speed and reduces the memory significantly without sacrificing the retrieval accuracy. 试验结果显示,该方法在不牺牲检索精度的前提下提高了检索速度,降低了存储复杂度。
The experiment result shows that the method has a high retrieval speed and a good effect. 实验结果表明,此方法具有检索效率高、检索效果好的特点。
Conclusion The use of FCA in the CBR can improve the retrieval speed and results 'accuracy. 结论FCA在CBR中的应用提高了事例检索的速度和结果的准确性。
Thirdly, Global inverted file has disadvantages on retrieval speed and scalability. 已有的全局索引分配策略,具有检索速度慢、可扩展性不强的缺点。
It is proved that this method is more effective to distinguish the object from the background and improves both the retrieval speed and the retrieval precision. 另一方面通过对图象分块保留了颜色的空间信息并能够有效地将目标从背景中区分出来,从而有效地提高了检索速度和检索精度。
Due to the application of wavelet transform in the image compression, a wavelet histogram technique has been proposed in the literature, but its complexity is very high and the retrieval speed is also slow. 由于小波变换在图像压缩中的应用,文献中提出了基于小波直方图的图像检索技术,但该技术的计算复杂性高,检索速度较慢。
Because of the case classification and at-tributes reduction, the CBR system's case retrieval speed can be highly accelerated. 通过事例聚类和属性约减,CBR系统的检索速度可以得到较大的提高。
Under the high processing load condition, working memory span and retrieval speed were better indexes than error rates in retrieval. 低加工负载条件下WM容量和提取错误值是较好的指标,而高加工负载条件下WM容量和提取速度是较好的指标。
Experimental results from the application of sole pattern image database show that the proposed method can describe linear texture characteristics very well. The retrieval speed and performance are satisfying. 应用于鞋底花纹图像库的实验结果表明,该方法对于线状纹理特征具有较强的描述能力,对于平移、旋转和伸缩具有较好的不变性,检索速度和检索结果均能满足应用要求。
The experimental results show that these two methods greatly improve the retrieval speed, and nearly have no influence to the retrieval accuracy. 实验结果表明,在基本不影响精度的情况下,这两种方法在检索速度方面有了很大的提升。
The system has high reliability, the retrieval speed, friendly interface, easy operation, etc. 该系统具有可靠性高、检索速度快、界面友好,操作方便等特点。
This method can increase retrieval speed greatly and save storage space. 3. 该方法能大大提高检索速度并节省存储空间。
The main purpose that introduces the granularity thinking of human beings in the textual case retrieval is to reduce the computational complexity, get better retrieval efficiency, and improve the retrieval speed. 本文引入人类这种粒度的思想,主要目标就是根据文本案例检索存在的问题,结合粒度计算的思想,以降低计算的复杂度,得到最佳的检索效率,并提高检索的速度。
In the meantime, the search engine built in operating system has low retrieval speed and can only find some of those files, so they can hardly satisfy the users 'need on information retrieval. 操作系统内置的文件搜索功能,由于检索速度慢,只能检索到部分文件等问题,很难满足人们对信息检索的需求。
Using of segmentation-based audio retrieval algorithm in detecting of repeat examples which can speed up the retrieval speed. 在样例重复检测中,采用分段检索的方法,能加快检索速度。
The method extract the main color features and two texture features, experimental results show that the method has better precision and recall rate, with faster retrieval speed. 该方法提取了主颜色特征信息和两种纹理特征信息,实验表明该方法有更好的查准率和查全率,具更快的检索速度。
Retrieval speed is a critical index in library management system. 在对图书管理系统数据库的查询中,速度是一个关键的指标。
We establish the metadata-based distributed spatial data engine to improve the indexing and retrieval speed of spatial data. 构建了基于元数据的分布式空间数据引擎,解决了分布式存储空间数据的快速索引和提取问题。
Operating through different situations and memory tasks, the research aimed at exploring the following questions: ( 1) Examine extent which the life period background and age factors influenced autobiographical memory retrieval speed. 通过不同作业情境与回忆任务的设置,目的在于探讨以下几个问题:(1)考察人生阶段背景和年龄因素对于自传体记忆提取速度的影响。
Indices are established using double hash structures. Retrieval speed is improved by the combination of coarse retrieval with accurate retrieval. 利用两个哈希结构建立索引,采用粗糙检索和精确检索相结合的检索方法提高检索的速度。
Information retrieval occupy an important position in e-commerce. An Information retrieval framework was designed, and the information search and retrieval engines were also implemented in the article. This information search and retrieval engines have the superiority of nice retrieval speed and nice precision. 信息检索在电子商务中占有重要地位,本文设计了一个信息检索框架,并实现了一个信息检索引擎,该检索引擎在检索速度和精确度上都有一定的优势。
The index table and index table based on data mining technology are applied to library management system, which improves the retrieval speed. So the library management system satisfies demand analysis in terms of function and performance. 因此,在图书管理系统中,采用了索引表技术和基于数据挖掘的索引表技术来提高检索的速度,从而使整个图书管理系统在功能和性能上达到了需求分析的要求。